meet your coach


Hi there! My name is Andrea Bomo. I’m the founder of Ann & Eli Apothecary and I’m so glad you’re here. As a Herbalist and Holistic health coach that specializes in women’s reproductive health, my passion is to help people live naturally healthy lives through diet, medicinal herbs, lifestyle management, and mindfulness.

What is holistic health Coaching?

Holistic health is a personalized approach that takes into account all aspects of your life that may have an impact on your health and general well-being such as diet, lifestyle, work, stress, and emotional health. In this approach, we don’t treat symptoms as if they are isolated but rather look at the bigger picture.

Working with you as a guide, my goal is to identify the root cause of your symptoms and help you build and sustain healthy lifestyle habits in order to achieve balance in your mind, body, and spirit. This may mean adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, using herbal remedies that are right for you, or using mindfulness practices aimed at reducing the harmful effects of stress on your health. My role as a holistic health practitioner is not to diagnose or cure any disease, but to help you reconnect to your body and prevent ailments and chronic illnesses, by giving you the right resources and tools to improve your health and well-being naturally.

Who is it for?

My holistic wellness coaching services are intended for women and men of all ages seeking a healthier and happier life through a natural and effective approach.

Why is this approach effective ?

Research show that 70% of chronic diseases are totally preventable as they are a result of unhealthy lifestyle habits including smoking, overuse of alcohol, poor diet, lack of physical activity, and chronic stress.

In this time and age, having a healthy lifestyle and diet is essential to prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and several types of cancer. When it comes to reproductive health and fertility, diet, stress levels, and lifestyle also have a huge role to play in the common issues women experience: irregular and painful periods, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, PCOS, infertility, etc.

While a growing number of people are aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet to maintain a good health, it remains difficult for many to sustain those habits because they lack the support, resources, guidance, and motivation to reach their goals.

Why work with me?

I’m passionate about helping people regain control over their health by learning how to nourish their bodies, building healthy lifestyle habits and having access to herbal remedies that actually work. I know what it feels like to be hopeless and feeling like your body has failed you. I’ve been there. Having been diagnosed with PCOS, fibroids and ovarian cysts before the age of 25, I thought my life would be an endless cycle of pain and surgeries. I was desperately looking for answers to feel better and be relieved of all my symptoms. After going through two surgeries, I was at a breaking point and decided to look for other alternatives. To listen to my body and my intuition, and give my body exactly what it needed. I changed my diet, started using herbs and natural supplements, reduced my exposure to toxins, exercised, and practiced mindfulness. After a few months, my acne started clearing up, my cycle became regular and pain-free, my cysts were gone, and I got pregnant naturally less than 6 months after implementing those changes. This holistic approach literally saved my life and gave me the chance to become a mother of two beautiful girls, Anne & Ellie, who are the inspiration behind my brand.

Because of my personal journey, I’ve made the decision to help other women find balance and build a deeper connection to their bodies with the tools, resources, and herbal formulas I have developed over the years.

How does it work?

Each client is unique, so my approach is always personalized taking into account your specific needs and personal story. First, we will evaluate your lifestyle, diet and goals during a preliminary one-on-one consultation. Then, I will create a holistic wellness plan tailored to your needs and lifestyle that can be adjusted depending on what works best for you.

My intention is to guide you at every step with the right tools to make mindful choices to improve your health and well-being. I will be there to listen to you, provide guidance, answer your questions and encourage you throughout your journey.


BOOK A CONSULTATION WITH ME or check out our programs below.



A 30-day detox program designed to help you adopt healthy lifestyle habits, improve your diet, cleanse your body of toxins, reduce the negative impact of stress in your life, and improve your overall well-being. This is the ideal program for people who want to make a fresh start and find balance.


A personalized 6-week program designed to help you reconnect with yourself, regenerate your body and mind and regain control over your health and well-being through a holistic approach including diet, lifestyle, healthy living habits, medicinal plants and spirituality. At the end of the program, you will have the tools and resources necessary to find an inner balance, achieve your health and well-being goals and lead a more natural and healthy life.

Bonus: you will get a personalized herbal tea specially designed to meet your needs.


A personalized 12-week program designed to help you prepare your body for pregnancy and increase your chances of conception through a mind-body-soul approach divided in 3 key steps: Detox, Nourish & Let go. This program is particularly designed for women (or couples) who are facing fertility issues and desire to take a more natural approach.

As a bonus, you’ll get two full-size handcrafted herbal products specially formulated for you.


A 12-week pregnancy and postpartum program designed for pregnant women and new moms seeking support and natural alternatives to stay healthy in this transitional phase of their lives, and find balance in their mind, body & spirit.

* Payments plans are available for all 12-week programs.

* For each program, it is possible to order an extra personalized herbal blend or product.

* All payments for our programs are non-refundable.


You have questions or you’re not sure of what program will work for you? Don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello(a)